Venatur Investigations


Our agents have extensive experience in criminal and civil law. In both the investigative and enforcement arenas.

Venatur's specialty is ForensicI Investigating. Whether business or personal, we have aided and assisted numerous organizations in asset recovery, criminal prosecution, employee vetting, and complete forensic background investigation(s), up to and including Law Enforcement pre-employment screening.


Tracking down criminals, individuals who have embezzled property, run away teens, at risk adults, debtors, slow-pay, no-pay, or persons needing to be served criminal, or civil subpeonas, divorce, custody, or thoer legal proceedings. We utilize the latest technology locate these individuals and close the case.


If you area a new applicant for a top secret clearance to work as a government employee, or contractor for the Local, State, or Federal Government, or in danger of losing your current security clearance we can prepare your Statement of Reason(s) and even appear in court to put your mind at ease so you can concentrate on perfecting your craft.


Whether you have a current divorce, child custody, or restraining order issues, our investigators can apply specific investigation techniques that local law enforcement either cannot legally do (provide legal advice) or lack the resources (time) to invest into your case and gather the necessary evidence to make you successful      


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